Why Are Teenagers So Brand Conscious? & The Pain of Paying Blog Post

The part of the brain that activates when you are looking at advertisement is the the same one that activates when having sex or doing drugs. Teenagers have to find who they think they are in their teen years just like the video stated. I believe that kids nowadays need to have all of the mainstream brands to be cool. For example if someone has Beats the headphones, other people will want them even if they’re 300 hundred dollars because they are cool. Then Beats are now owned by Apple; apple is mostly known for the iPhone and even though that phone is very expensive and brakes easily, people still think it is the best phone and the coolest phone ever. The idea of being cool  has changed in comparison to the 1950’s. I believe in the 1950’s cool was to be different and not buy the regular brands. When it comes to brands of course I want to buy the cool brand, but I do think that owning a certain brand can say something about someone. In my opinion I think that between men the brands that are cool are: Nike, Adidas, Under Armour, Ray Ban’s, Jordan’s, and Vans.
I feel the most pain when I’m paying for something that’s very expensive. I always have second thoughts about buying expensive stuff. Even if I worked to save up for it and I’m finally at the store ready to buy it, I just can’t help overthinking it. For example, when I bought my Ps4 a couple of years ago, I spent months saving up for it and when I was there at the store ready to buy it I was having second thoughts. It was so bad that I still remember exactly how much I paid for it $495.45 and when I finally decided to buy it giving the money to the cashier was hard but when I felt the Ps4 in my hands I had a feeling of satisfaction. I don’t think store use anything to their advantage. I believe it’s all on us, if you really want something well just save up for it little by little until you have money to buy it.

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