Why Are Teenagers So Brand Conscious? & The Pain of Paying Blog Post

The part of the brain that activates when you are looking at advertisement is the the same one that activates when having sex or doing drugs. Teenagers have to find who they think they are in their teen years just like the video stated. I believe that kids nowadays need to have all of the mainstream brands to be cool. For example if someone has Beats the headphones, other people will want them even if they’re 300 hundred dollars because they are cool. Then Beats are now owned by Apple; apple is mostly known for the iPhone and even though that phone is very expensive and brakes easily, people still think it is the best phone and the coolest phone ever. The idea of being cool  has changed in comparison to the 1950’s. I believe in the 1950’s cool was to be different and not buy the regular brands. When it comes to brands of course I want to buy the cool brand, but I do think that owning a certain brand can say something about someone. In my opinion I think that between men the brands that are cool are: Nike, Adidas, Under Armour, Ray Ban’s, Jordan’s, and Vans.
I feel the most pain when I’m paying for something that’s very expensive. I always have second thoughts about buying expensive stuff. Even if I worked to save up for it and I’m finally at the store ready to buy it, I just can’t help overthinking it. For example, when I bought my Ps4 a couple of years ago, I spent months saving up for it and when I was there at the store ready to buy it I was having second thoughts. It was so bad that I still remember exactly how much I paid for it $495.45 and when I finally decided to buy it giving the money to the cashier was hard but when I felt the Ps4 in my hands I had a feeling of satisfaction. I don’t think store use anything to their advantage. I believe it’s all on us, if you really want something well just save up for it little by little until you have money to buy it.

Food vs Lottery Tickets

When I was listening to the Freakonomics podcast they mentioned that 2/3 Americans like to gamble. That 1/5 like to gamble by buying lottery ticket and contribute to the 60 billion, yes billion dollar that are spent in lottery tickets by Americans a year. I was shocked but not in a bad or sad way, but I just smiled also not in a bad way when they said that some people would choose buy lottery tickets instead of groceries.

Speaking about groceries, Americans can spend a minimum of one thousand dollars on lottery tickets. That is more than they spend on groceries such as daily diary and things like that a year. At the very beginning of the podcast the podcast guy said,” Half of our country doesn’t have enough money in the bank to survive an economic breakdown”. I believe this is true because I don’t think my dad has enough money in the bank to survive an economic breakdown.

Final Semester Checklist


In the past 3-4 weeks I’ve learned what it takes to start a business. Also how much time and money you have to invest to have a successful business. Doing this project was fun especially doing the ad. My partners and I created a video as our ad and we had a lot of fun doing it. I became a better editor as well since I was the one editing the video I improved my editing skill as well. It also gave me a good idea on how the real world is and how you need to be to be successful out there. In general this project helped me a lot with my writing skills, video editing, and social skills as well because we had to act in the video and collaborate with classmates we had just met and weren’t comfortable around each other yet.

Small Business

We have come up with an idea for an app that will help dog owners find their lost dogs; it will be like an amber alert for dogs in your area. In order to make an account you will have to put you dog’s legal information including a picture of him/her and your information as well. Why will we make it kind of complicated to make an account? It will be this way so you can prove that you are the owner of the dog if a person finds it, this will prevent random people from going around and kidnapping dogs. You will have the option to put your phone number so it make it easier to contact you.


This is our ad. Brody my partners dog took part of this video and he did a very good job. Basically Jessie is playing with the dog then he get a call on his phone and lets go of the leash so Brody sees a squirrel and goes chasing after it. then Jessie starts looking for his dog and a a girl finds him. Using the puppy patrol app she finds Jessie on the app.

 Elevator Pitch


Our elevator pitch explains how we cam up with the idea and how the app works.

Physical Wellness

I believe physical wellness is very important to humans because we need to stay physically fit and healthy. I, for example like to exercise. I like to exercise because I play soccer and I want to be in better shape to play the sport I love. One of the exercises I do every other day is going to the gym for about an hour or an hour and a half. Then in the afternoon I like to go out for a run, I usually run about 3 miles at a 10:00-11:30 pace. I know it’s not fast but I will get better, I’m not running at a faster pace because I was injured for a while and I just got back to exercising every day like a month ago so I will improve.


I think more people should exercise more. There’s a lot of overweight people around the world and they should get the motivation to get up and exercise. I am not a skinny person, I am 6 feet tall and weigh 235 pounds but I can run the mile in 7 minutes with 30 seconds. I know it doesn’t mean anything but for me it does, just two years ago I would try my hardest and I would end up with a time of 11 minutes or more. Even though I don’t fit I am, and I feel healthy and more confident about myself when I stay physically active.

Physical wellness is important because it will rise your self-esteem and you will feel better about your self. You will feel less stress and you will have a better night sleep because your body will need the rest to keep hustling. For all the families out there, try to get your kids involved in a sport or go out for hikes with them, teach them how to eat healthier and not to eat junk food everyday.


Occupational Wellness

I believe physical wellness is very important. For example I work at Tortilleria Los Reyes and I’m busy the whole weekend. Now I even started working on Monday afternoons and I actually enjoy it. My dad works there as well and the way I started working there was when my dad was switched into a new route for the delivery of tortillas. I started off going every Saturday with him just to help him because every Saturday he gets like 40 restaurants to deliver to and he needed some help. After some time of me going to help him the owners were like hey we would like to pay your son if he come every Saturday with you because we always see him work and he really does help you a lot.

Photo of Tortilleria Los Reyes - Vista, CA, United States

Final Semester Reflection

This semester was one of the most stressful semesters of my life. It’s mostly my fault because I left everything for last minute, like right now I still need to finish Mr. Elizondo’s Music As Protest project. I didn’t have time during the weekend to do this because of work and all that stuff but I hope I can get it all done today. Anyways even if this semester was stressful I did have fun a little bit.

Occupational Wellness

I believe physical wellness is very important. For example I work at Tortilleria Los Reyes and I’m busy the whole weekend. Now I even started working on Monday afternoons and I actually enjoy it. My dad works there as well and the way I started working there was when my dad was switched into a new route for the delivery of tortillas. I started off going every Saturday with him just to help him because every Saturday he gets like 40 restaurants to deliver to and he needed some help. After some time of me going to help him the owners were like hey we would like to pay your son if he come every Saturday with you because we always see him work and he really does help you a lot.

Photo of Tortilleria Los Reyes - Vista, CA, United States


Small Business Blog Post


In the past 3-4 weeks I’ve learned what it takes to start a business. Also how much time and money you have to invest to have a successful business. Doing this project was fun especially doing the ad. My partners and I created a video as our ad and we had a lot of fun doing it. I became a better editor as well since I was the one editing the video I improved my editing skill as well. It also gave me a good idea on how the real world is and how you need to be to be successful out there. In general this project helped me a lot with my writing skills, video editing, and social skills as well because we had to act in the video and collaborate with classmates we had just met and weren’t comfortable around each other yet.

Small Business

We have come up with an idea for an app that will help dog owners find their lost dogs; it will be like an amber alert for dogs in your area. In order to make an account you will have to put you dog’s legal information including a picture of him/her and your information as well. Why will we make it kind of complicated to make an account? It will be this way so you can prove that you are the owner of the dog if a person finds it, this will prevent random people from going around and kidnapping dogs. You will have the option to put your phone number so it make it easier to contact you.


This is our ad. Brody my partners dog took part of this video and he did a very good job. Basically Jessie is playing with the dog then he get a call on his phone and lets go of the leash so Brody sees a squirrel and goes chasing after it. then Jessie starts looking for his dog and a a girl finds him. Using the puppy patrol app she finds Jessie on the app.

 Elevator Pitch


Our elevator pitch explains how we cam up with the idea and how the app works.

Physical Wellness

I believe physical wellness is very important to humans because we need to stay physically fit and healthy. I, for example like to exercise. I like to exercise because I play soccer and I want to be in better shape to play the sport I love. One of the exercises I do every other day is going to the gym for about an hour or an hour and a half. Then in the afternoon I like to go out for a run, I usually run about 3 miles at a 10:00-11:30 pace. I know it’s not fast but I will get better, I’m not running at a faster pace because I was injured for a while and I just got back to exercising every day like a month ago so I will improve.


I think more people should exercise more. There’s a lot of overweight people around the world and they should get the motivation to get up and exercise. I am not a skinny person, I am 6 feet tall and weigh 235 pounds but I can run the mile in 7 minutes with 30 seconds. I know it doesn’t mean anything but for me it does, just two years ago I would try my hardest and I would end up with a time of 11 minutes or more. Even though I don’t fit I am, and I feel healthy and more confident about myself when I stay physically active.

Physical wellness is important because it will rise your self-esteem and you will feel better about your self. You will feel less stress and you will have a better night sleep because your body will need the rest to keep hustling. For all the families out there, try to get your kids involved in a sport or go out for hikes with them, teach them how to eat healthier and not to eat junk food everyday.


About Me

My name is Roman Zamarripa and I was born in Long Beach, California 1998. I moved to vista when I was about 5 years old. I am currently a senior at Vista High School and I’m looking forward to graduating. Some of my hobbies include: Soccer, I like going out for runs, I play my ps4. I like to exercise as well. I like going out for runs and I also go to the gym every other day.